Wow! This school year is off and running, and I'm reminded to locate that "easy button" and let it be fun!!! Moving to first grade from third grade after having taught second grade for eight years before that has required a real "brain transplant." In fact, I'm still in surgery - can I get an "it's cool?" I'm loving my Wonderful Ones and they're loving Whole Brain Teaching: score board, rules, teach/okay, switch, it's cool - some of my students are experts coming from Kinder, so I can see some of my first leaders already!
Our three-day week last week was all about procedures, teaching WBT elements, and getting to know one another. This week we're into our baseline testing in Reading and Math and then next week we're off and running, once our test results give us grouping information. We have lots of great technology to learn and incorporate into our lessons, so that combined with Whole Brain is going to make this a "blast-off year!"
Oh, yes, and I've got it in my phone to "go home!" at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow so I'll be ready for the LIVE WBT WEBINAR on designing our model classrooms! Can't wait for that! How about you??
Okay, everyone, I know you're either ramping up to get started on your year, or like me, you're already "in there with the kids," so here's to a great year for us all and to teaching like our hair's on fire with Whole Brain Teaching, yes?
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